
La Almudena Cathedral Museum


    The aim of the Almudena Cathedral Museum is to conserve, exhibit, investigate and communicate testimonies to the history of the diocese of Madrid. The permanent exhibition includes objects of religious and historical-artistic value from the former parish of Santa María de la Almudena, the birthplace of today's cathedral.

    A visit to the Almudena Cathedral Museum begins with the different areas of the Cathedral itself: the Chapterhouse and the Vestry, decorated with modern mosaics by the Slovenian priest P. Marko I. Rupnik. s.j. These areas display various objects relating to the origin and history of the Church in Madrid, as well as the two patron saints of the city: Santa María la Real de la Almudena and San Isidro Labrador, including the valuable codex by Juan Diácono, the most ancient document about the life and miracles of San Isidro.

    The Cathedral dome is reached by going up some steps, from where spectacular views over the city can be enjoyed.

    In the Museum’s second gallery, the liturgy of the Catholic Church is explained catechetically through the seven Sacraments: Eucharist, Baptism, Penance, Confirmation, Devotion, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Finally, there will be a special tribute to Pope John Paul II, who held the Mass of Consecration of Almudena Cathedral, with a video reproduction.

    The dome of La Almudena Cathedral

    To get to the dome of the La Almudena Cathedral you have to visit the Cathedral's Museum. At a height of over 70 metres, the dome offers stunning views over the Royal Palace, the Plaza de Oriente, the viaduct, and the spectacular dome of the basilica of San Francisco el Grande. The Museum's gallery, although not quite as high as the dome, is still an exceptional vantage point for watching the Changing of the Royal Guard on the first Wednesday of the month on the palace's concourse, weather permitting.

    Lockers / Cloakroom
    Information points
    Guided tours
    Free Wi-Fi
    Last updated: 16/02/2023
    Practical Information
    Tourist Information
    de la Almudena, s/n
    Tourist area
    (+34) 91 559 28 74
    Ópera (L2, L5, R)
    3, 148, SE712, N16
    Cercanías (local train)
    BiciMAD bike-share scheme

    Docking stations:

    - Plaza de Ramales

    - Calle Segovia, 26

    - San Quintín (calle Pavía, 6)

    - Palacio de Oriente (calle Carlos III, 1)


    Entry to the museum, sacristy, chapterhouse and dome of the cathedral: €7 euros.

    10- to 16-year-olds, Over 65s and students under the age of 25 (from EU member states or Ibero-American countries with ID Card or Passport accreditation), people with disabilities, groups with a prior reservation, unemployed persons, large families and residents of the Community of Madrid: €5 (Please note that you will be asked to show proof of concession)

    Schools: €3 / pupil (the school is obliged to make the reservation in advance)

    Under 10s, priests, religious men and women, seminarians and members of ICOM: free entrance upon presentation of IDs.

    Visitors may use the museum's WiFi to download a free audioguide available in Spanish, French, English and Italian.



    Mon - Sat 10am-2:30pm.

    Closed on Sundays and for religious holidays and services

    Cultural venues

    La Almudena Cathedral

    Impressive cathedral that, together with the Royal Palace nearby, forms one of Madrid’s most popular tourist attractions.


    Teatro Real

    Madrid's historical opera house, located next to the Royal Palace, stages world-class ballets and operas all year round.

    Arab Wall

    Madrid's oldest wall dates back to 9th-century Muslim Spain and its remains can be found next to the Royal Palace.

    San Miguel Market

    A stunning 100-year-old market that has reinvented itself to become one of Madrid's most popular tourist attractions.

    Crypt of La Almudena Cathedral

    Regarded as the largest crypt in Spain, this peaceful resting place for many of the country's most noble families is home to over 400 unique columns.

    La Almudena Cathedral

    Impressive cathedral that, together with the Royal Palace nearby, forms one of Madrid’s most popular tourist attractions.
