
The Royal Tapestry Factory


    Founded in 1720, this institution located on the Paseo del Arte (The Art Walk) in a neomudéjar building, is dedicated to artisan production of tapestries, carpets and coats of arms. The tapestries and carpets made by the Real fábrica can be seen in all of the palaces of the Spanish Crown: Palacio Real, Palacio del Pardo, Palacio de la Granja de San Ildefonso, Palacio de Aranjuez, Palacio de Riofrío, Reales Alcázares, Palacio de Pedralbes, and numerous other national and international institutions.

    The Royal Tapestry Factory (Real Fábrica de Tapices) exhibits an important collection of carpets and tapestries made by the company and works in deposit. The works that make up the collection come from important cultural institutions such as the National Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Decorative Arts. Among them is the series of tapestries The Acts of the Apostles (Los hechos de los Apóstoles), woven in Flanders in the 17th century according to the cartoons of Rafael Sanzio.

    The Royal Factory also exhibits some of the textile pieces made in the factory itself, designed by the most important painters in the history of the Factory (Goya, Teniers, Juan Gris, Pérez Villalta, etc).

    As a complement to the collection of tapestries and carpets, the main handcrafted work tools are exhibited, such as historical looms, spinning wheels, winders and various cardboards from its graphic archive.

    The Royal Tapestry Factory also has a historic garden that retains most of its original features. After being remodelled, the garden boasts a collection of dye plants and plant species used to obtain textile fibres, such as cotton or linen. The plants come from different parts of the world and were used by different cultures to obtain vegetable dyes and fibres. The new ethno-botanical garden has been fully integrated into the garden’s original design, without making any major or irreversible changes to its layout.

    Guided tour program

    Through its programme of guided tours, The Royal Tapestry Factory offers the possibility of seeing the work of the weavers in its living museum.

    The ancient workshops of La Real Fábrica de Tapices (the Royal Tapestry Factory) allow the spectator to immerse himself in an atmosphere from another era and discover anecdotes and curiosities about the ancient craft of hand weaving.


    Pay car parking
    Guided tours
    Last updated: 28/02/2023
    Practical Information
    Tourist Information
    Fuenterrabía, 2
    Tourist area
    (+34) 91 434 05 50
    Estación del Arte (L1)
    Atocha (L1)
    Menéndez Pelayo (L1)
    10, 14, 24, 26, 32, 37, 54, 57, 102, 141, 152, C1, C2, N9, N10, N25
    Cercanías (local train)
    BiciMAD bike-share scheme

    Docking Station: Puerta de Granada (Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 38)


    Prior booking at the following email is required:

    General Entrance Fee: € 5

    Reduced Entrance Fee:  (Unemployed, over 65s and pensioners, people with a disability, students and children under the age of 18, groups of at least 10 people with a booking): € 4






    Opening times:

    Monday - Friday: 10am-2pm

    Guided tours (in Spanish and English - between 5 and 10 people. To arrange a visit, please e-mail 

    Monday - Friday: 10am, 11am, 12pm, and 1pm.

    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 4pm

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