Michael Kiwanuka
Michael Kiwanuka, the British musician of Ugandan descent who skilfully mixes the warmth of soul with the intimacy of folk, will perform at La Riviera on 19 and 20 September 2022 to present his acclaimed third album, KIWANUKA live.
It is an album that has placed the international spotlight on the artist, as the songs that form part of it deal with complex issues, such as black identity, violence or insecurity in himself. However, it is all embraced in a bright atmosphere.
If Love & Hate (2016), Michael Kiwanuka’s former album, was composed through introspection as if it were therapy, in this latest album, the musician reflects on himself and on messages he wishes to share with the world. In this way, he has gone one step further in the career of a solid artist with a bomb-proof personality.
You Ain't the Problem, Rule the World, Another Human Being, Hero or Place I Belong will be some of the songs that form part of the soundtrack of what will be one of the most unique evenings at La Riviera.
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