Fieltros Olleros
Pañerias Olleros opened in the Plaza Mayor arcades by the Toledo St. in 1863. After several moves to Plaza Mayor 14 and Mayor St. 31, they finally stayed at the present location. According to the different periods of time, it has always adjusted to the coming circumstances and varied the feedstock.
Making flags and other wooden clothes besides the Spanish Cape adds another sector in this rag trade. The Olleros is a family-run company although they share ownership with old partners. At the moment, the shop looks modern but around the year 2000 they added another centenarian butchery, Arce de Noe, Barco de la Abundancia to be the warehouse. The butchery was founded in 1870 by Juan Mingo and the building with its beautiful facade is under protection today.
Docking stations: 9, 31