Welcome to Madrid

Laister is a firm with over 30 years' experience in the world of athletics and sport in general, offering comprehensive technical support for athletes. They have been pioneers in making biomechanical studies of runners' strike patterns since international athlete Eugenio Hernández opened the first Laister shop in 1980, in San Sebastián.

Laister has various shops in different parts of Spain, where a team of sports professionals (professional athletes, instructors, coaches), supervised by Hernández himself, national coach of the Spanish School of Athletics, offer advice based on a comprehensive study of an athlete's strike pattern, to determine the most suitable type of shoe, taking the runner's physical characteristics (weight, etc.) into account. They have always been at the forefront in research into the biomechanical correction of runners' strike patterns. Since 2011 their studies have not been limited to footwear for runners but have also catered for football, handball, basketball and cycling.

Laister shops also sell an extensive range of technically advanced sports clothing made by leading brands, accessories for different sports and nutritional supplements for athletes. Enthusiasts of all levels of ability can also join the Laister Club, where they can obtain advice, assistance and training schedules.

Practical Information
San Vicente, 24
Tourist area
(+34) 91 547 11 72
(+34) 91 542 89 60
Príncipe Pío (L6, L10, R)
25, 39, 46, 75, 138, C2
Cercanías (local train)
Madrid-Príncipe Pío
BiciMAD bike-share scheme

Consulta el mapa de estaciones.

Opening times

Mon-Sat: 10am - 2pm / 4.30pm - 8.30pm.

Sports shops