Welcome to Madrid

The Salvador Bachiller brand began in the 40s as a shop selling travel items. In the 70s the range of products was increased with the introduction of leather bags and accessories. Little by little the variety of styles and colours has grown as the number of shops has also increased.

The company has grown exponentially, not only in Spain, but abroad as well. The star products are the bags and suitcases, which are characterised by designs that are exclusive as well as modern and original, with elegant lines.

They also sell other accessories such as gloves, belts, purses, wallets, etc. There are various branches across the capital.

Practical Information
Gran Vía, 65
Tourist area
Sol / Gran Vía
(+34) 91 559 83 21
Santo Domingo (L2)
Plaza de España (L2, L3, L10)
1, 2, 3, 44, 75, 133, 148
Cercanías (local train)
BiciMAD bike-share scheme

Consulta el mapa de estaciones.

Opening times

Mon - Sat 10:00a.m.-09:00p.m. ; Sun and Hol 11:00p.m.-09:00p.m.
