Welcome to Madrid

Maybe it doesn’t ring a bell for mainstream shoppers, but those who know this world better will surely show interest or even complicity upon hearing its name, Elektra, named after the Marvel Knights character. Most likely they already know that this is one of the best specialized bookstores in Madrid for comics.

 Elektra is particularly noteworthy not only for its extensive catalogue, which is in great part imported from the US, but also for the spaciousness and brightness of its store, where the latest novelties stand out at first sight, thus being a paradise for amateurs and collectors. Furthermore, their wide range of options is completed with an ample assortment of merchandising of the great classics of comics, where one can find anything from postcards and action figures to clothes or bags. For the pagans in the subjects, it is still worth going by their store on calle San Bernardo just to admire their windows, devoted to one character at a time –Spiderman, the Smurfs, etc.-, which is set up in ways that are a true work of art.

Practical Information
San Bernardo, 20
Tourist area
(+34) 91 521 39 75
(+34) 91 521 39 75
Santo Domingo (L2)
Noviciado (L2, L3, L10)
1, 2, 44, 46, 74, 75, 147, 148, 202
Cercanías (local train)
BiciMAD bike-share scheme

Consulta el mapa de estaciones.

Opening times

Mon - Fri 10.30am - 8.30pm ; Sat 10.30am - 2.00pm / 5.00pm - 8.30pm.
