Welcome to Madrid

Since it was founded in 1923, La Casa del Libro has made an effort to promote the publishing world, carrying the widest range of references in all of Spain, where they have true temples entirely devoted to the art of reading.

There are already five establishments by this giant of literature in Madrid, the latest one on calle Orense opened in 2007, all of them owned by Espasa Calpe, of Grupo Planeta. Although they also have a website which allows customers to purchase online, their flagship is undoubtedly their store on Gran Vía, with four floors classified by subject and specialized staff readily available to answer any queries.

Their philosophy combines different concepts: general, given the universality of what they carry; specialized, with thousands of references; traditional, for being a meeting point for authors, readers and booksellers; and modern, for being a pioneer in the incorporation of new technologies adapted to the publishing industry.

All of this comes with a wide range of services and facilities like information, importing and exporting, subscription to Spanish and foreign publications, customer cards, national and international bibliographical information with access to the major Spanish and foreign databases and their commitment to bringing in the shortest time possible any title that might not be available at the store.

Pets allowed
Practical Information
Gran Vía, 29
Tourist area
Sol / Gran Vía
(+34) 911793463
Gran Vía (L1, L5)
001, 002, 1, 2, 3, 46, 74, 146, 202
Cercanías (local train)
BiciMAD bike-share scheme

Consulta el mapa de estaciones.

Opening times

Mon - Sat 9:30am - 9.30pm. ; Sun 11:00am - 9:00pm
