
Lázaro Galdiano Foundation Museum


    A stately mansion in Barrio de Salamanca is home to the Lázaro Galdiano Museum and its exquisite collection of works of art. You’ll find paintings by Goya, El Greco, Zurbarán and Hieronymus Bosch, bronze figures, ceramics, glassware, textiles, medals and weapons of great value.

    The Museum displays a total of four thousand, eight hundred and twenty pieces divided over the four floors of the building, following a simple layout, complemented with texts on the floors and rooms, enabling the quality and variety of the Collection to be discovered and enjoyed.

    José Lázaro Galdiano was not only a clever businessman but also a renowned publisher. In the late nineteenth century, he launched a literary magazine titled La España Moderna. The foundation that bears his name takes care of and exhibits his magnificent art collection in Galdiano’s former residence, the mansion of Parque Florido. This home would host literary gatherings attended by Emilia Pardo Bazán, Miguel de Unamuno, Rubén Darío and other pre-eminent writers.

    Don't miss

    Some paintings stand out from the rest in the collection: Hieronymus Bosch’s St. John the Baptist in Meditation, Goya’s Witches’ Sabbath, commissioned by the Duke and Duchess of Osuna for their small palace at El Capricho Park, and Salvador Adolescente (Adolescent Saviour), a mysterious image depicting Jesus Christ that was apparently painted by one of Leonardo da Vinci’s pupils.

    Hidden gems

    Lázaro Galdiano was a prolific art collector as well as a bibliophile. He gathered singular documents like letters written by Lope de Vega and many medieval manuscripts. The library of the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation is open for researchers only, but a selection of its holdings can be seen in temporary exhibitions at the museum.

    Lockers / Cloakroom
    Information points
    Guided tours
    Baby-changing facilities

    DATA GIVEN BY PREDIF - Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Physical Disabilities

    Adapted front desk and information desk at the vestibule, height: 87 cm.

    Vertical itineraries

    The museum has 4 floors connected by elevator and stairs. The public elevator is very old and it is considered cultural heritage, with narrow doors and tight interior space. The wheelchair users are advised to use the service elevator and should be accompanied by the museum staff at all times.


    Number of elevators: 1, connecting the ground floor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Itinerary: accessible from the door. Height of the elevator call-button: 103 cm. Door width: 79 cm. Cabin width and depth: 101 and 122 cm. Height of the elevator buttons: 106 - 116 cm. Height of the rails: 87 cm.


    There is an adapted bathroom for both sexes at the ground floor. It is marked with the International Symbol of Access (SIA).  Door: outward opening with a width of 75 cm. Interior area with a turning space (diameter):  Ø 150 cm.


    Height of the toilet seat: 41 cm. Height of the flushing mechanism: 75 cm. Approaching space: right side 80 cm, left side 70 cm and frontal ≥ 120 cm. Foldable grab bars on the right and height: 67 and 83 cm. Foldable grab bars on the left and height: 67 and 83 cm. Separation between the bars: 70 cm.


    It has a base obstructing frontal approach with a wheelchair. Height and depth of the free space under the sink: 74 cm and 20 cm. Mixing faucet. Height of the border under the mirror: none. Height of the accessories: 90 cm.


    Gift shop

    On the ground floor next to the front desk. Accessible. Height of the desk: 110 cm.

    Exhibition halls:

    Ground floor, 1st and 2nd. Elevator accessible

    Warehouse can be visited

    3rd floor. Accessible by elevator and ramp. Central hall accessed by a 70cm long and 200 cm wide ramp with an adequate inclination of 8%.

    Information and signs:

    Informational leaflet explaining the different floors of the museum and the corresponding exhibitions.

    Hall information available in Braille.

    Signs in the same format: no, medium height ≤ 175 cm and letter size: ≥ 1,5 cm. Letters in contrast with the background: yes. Texts and symbols not in high relief and without Braille.


    Cabins with sounding signals: no. Call buttons in contrasting colors: yes. Buttons with numbers in high relief: yes. Buttons with numbers in Braille: yes.


    Visual floor signs and direction inside and outside of the cabin: yes. Emergency sign with an illuminated button confirming the call: yes

    Last updated: 01/03/2023
    Practical Information
    Tourist Information
    de Serrano, 122
    Tourist area
    Barrio de Salamanca
    (+34) 91 561 60 84
    (+34) 91 561 77 93
    Núñez de Balboa (L5, L9)
    Rubén Darío (L5)
    Avenida de América (L4, L6, L7, L9)
    Gregorio Marañon (L7, L10)
    7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 27, 40, 45, 51, 61, 147, 150, N1, N4, N22, N24
    Cercanías (local train)
    BiciMAD bike-share scheme

    Docking Stations:

    - Paseo de la Castellana - Glorieta de Emilio Castelar (Paseo de la Castellana,  43)

    - Calle Velázquez, 130


    General admission: €7

    Reduced Entrance Fee: €4 (only available at the ticket office, with documentary accreditation, where appropriate)

    Guided visits with an internal guide: € 10 - Adults / € 7- Children


    - Tue-Sun, from 2pm to 3pm for all visitors

    - Thursday afternoon: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    - Children under the age of 12; 

    Five-museum pass (valid for the Decorative Arts, Cerralbo, Romanticism, Sorolla and Lázaro Galdiano museums) €12. Valid for all five museums for ten days. Read more


    Tue-Sun: 9:30am-3pm

    Thursday afternoons: 4:30-7:30pm

    Closed: Mondays, 1 and 6 January, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, 2 May, 15 August, 8, 24, and 31 December

    Guided tours led by an in-house guide (minimum of 7 and maximum of 15 people) (For information and bookings, please e-mail educació

    - Wednesday and Friday: 12:30pm

    - Saturdays: 11am and 12:30pm

    Guided tours led by an external guide (max. 25 people including the guide). Advance booking essential. For information and bookings, please e-mail

    - Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11am

    - Weekends

    Cultural venues


    Sorolla Museum

    Museum dedicated to Joaquin Sorolla, the painter of Mediterranean light, set in his former family home.

    Juan March Foundation

    This active, family-run cultural heritage institution produces exhibitions as well as concerts and lecture series.

    ABC Serrano

    The former headquarters of the century-old ABC newspaper is now an exclusive shopping centre.