El rey de tallarines
This restaurant near Plaza de España, is very popular for its wide range of pasta noodles, made to order like at a typical Asian street stall. The chef uses the Le Mian technique, involving making a dough from wheat flour, which is then stretched out by hand and divided into gradually longer and thinner trips, all in view of the diners. Three dishes in particular stand out on this menu specialising in Singaporean cuisine: "el Rey", abalone in its own sauce with tempura and fried noodles; the "Pekin" dim sum, Peking Duck and noodles with prawns: and the Thai, with seafood soup, Thai-style chicken, coriander rice and grilled mango chicken. There is also an extensive menu with over 50 dishes including fried noodles with different accompaniments, various Thai-style dishes and meat and poultry dishes, as well as starters like dim sum, fried wonton or spring rolls.
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