The Neverending Story, the Musical
The prestigious musical director, Federico Barrios, who also directed West Side Story and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the musical, is directing the theatrical adaptation of Michael Ende's classic novel. A musical that will be showing at Teatro Calderón from 27 September.
The soundtrack has been especially designed by composers Iván Macías and Félix Amador, and the story takes audiences to a utopian universe divided into two halves. In the first half, Bastian hides in his school attic and begins reading an enigmatic book, The Neverending Story. It tells of how a warrior named Atreyu must save the Child Empress, sovereign of the Kingdom of Fantasia, who is slowly dying, while “The Nothing” is destroying the land and the creatures that inhabit it.
His reading becomes more and more real until he realises that only he can save this world, so he eventually contacts Atreyu through the book. The second part describes how Bastian goes through Fantasia rebuilding it from his imagination.
An exciting story that was published in 1979 and has been translated into more than 36 languages. It was made into a trilogy of films, the best known being its first instalment, directed by Wolfgang Petersen in 1984.
Artistic credits:
- Author - Michael Ende
- Choreographer and director - Federico Barrios
- Music - Iván Macías and Félix Amador
- Executive producer- Dario Regattieri
From €24,90
Tuesday and Thursday: 8pm
Friday: 6pm and 9.30pm
Saturday: 5pm and 8.30pm
Sundays: 12pm and 5pm
Special performances: 1, 2 and 15 May